2019年6月15日 星期六

《Anxiety: A Very Short Introduction》

人類本能: forward-thinking, anxiety-arousing propensity of the human mind, behavioural desensitization to tackle fears and phobias
認知治療(比起食藥有用)一句到尾: if you change your thinking, you can change your emotion.
另外佢講到通常有GAD (general anxiety disorder)的人都有unhelpful schematic beliefs about themselves, the world around them, and the future,一D自己深信不疑的觀念,於是無形中成為框住自己或者令自己憂慮的原因,甚至乎feel that they haven’t yet worried enough。
一擔心就會想做一D safety behaviours去避免意外出現,例如no show或者check幾十次,通常都係唔做好過做。因為佢地發現多數都會變成overestimation of the likelihood of danger occurring (psychologists call this threat anticipation) and lots of false alarms。
另一種係社交恐懼症(social phobia),日本人叫taijin kyofusho (TKS),呢類患者通常都會possess an entirely inaccurate mental image of themselves when in social situations,覺得自己好樣衰之類。
醫學研究話人腦呢當面對危險時會make a rapid and pre-conscious appraisal of a situation in order to help determine which emotion (and therefore reaction) is appropriate,多數快到繞過進行深思熟慮的frontal cortex(前腦額葉),所以誇大左面對的危險。另外有研究發現佢地的amygdala may be overactive and the ACC (控制恐懼) and hippocampus underactive甚至萎縮(PTSD患者).
憂慮的原因,genetic factors determine up to 40% of anxiety’s heritability,同埋more likely to fear events and situations that provided threats to the survival of our ancestors。
1. understands that what he is going through is normal and even necessary
2. thinking of another situation where it’s been worse and I’ve still managed to get through.
3. if you see someone else with anxiety,一齊死冇咁驚
4. understanding that your thoughts and feelings are temporary, transient, and not necessarily a reflection of reality,諸法本無相

