2020年4月5日 星期日


Ferguson, Niall. The Square and the Tower呢本書討論網絡對於歷史演化的推進作用,睇試讀版本,覺得都幾悶,講埋阿媽係女人的道理,浪費我時間。以下係我覺得稍為有少許意思的段落;
  1. 1. Russia’s intelligence network did its utmost to damage his rival’s reputation,
  2. as Islamic State carried out multiple attacks in the twelve months before the election, including two in the United States
  3. If the ‘first world cyberwar’ has already begun, as some have claimed, then it is a war between networks.
  4. in a society with relatively few weak ties, ‘new ideas will spread slowly, scientific endeavours will be handicapped,
  5. an important but neglected measure of an individual’s historical importance is the extent to which that person was a network bridge.