2020年4月5日 星期日


Ferguson, Niall. The Square and the Tower呢本書討論網絡對於歷史演化的推進作用,睇試讀版本,覺得都幾悶,講埋阿媽係女人的道理,浪費我時間。以下係我覺得稍為有少許意思的段落;
  1. 1. Russia’s intelligence network did its utmost to damage his rival’s reputation,
  2. as Islamic State carried out multiple attacks in the twelve months before the election, including two in the United States
  3. If the ‘first world cyberwar’ has already begun, as some have claimed, then it is a war between networks.
  4. in a society with relatively few weak ties, ‘new ideas will spread slowly, scientific endeavours will be handicapped,
  5. an important but neglected measure of an individual’s historical importance is the extent to which that person was a network bridge.

2020年2月8日 星期六

《原則 (Principles)》Ray Dalio

「ray dalio principles」的圖片搜尋結果

橋水基金創辦人達里奧寫的書,Principles was listed among the 13 Best Business Books of 2017,坊間都趨之若騖,我都買了來看,最後我發現這本書是我今年看過最垃圾的書,只是一本講經的書籍,完全老生常談,睇到想嘔的人生大道理。


  1. how difficult it is to time markets.
  2. forecasts aren’t worth very much, and most people who make them don’t make money in the markets.
  3. only take bets you are highly confident in and to diversify them,佢認為買幾隻不同行業的股票不算分散投資,只有不同商品或者不同生意(good uncorrelated bets)先可以做到分散的效果。
  4. flighty people react emotionally to how things feel, jumping into things when they’re hot and abandoning them when they’re not.
  1. independent thinkers who do not let anything or anyone stand in the way of achieving their audacious goals
  2. “Unattainable goals appeal to heroes,” he once told me. “Capable people are those who sit there worrying about the future. The unwise are those who worry about nothing.
佢覺得美好人生係Dreams + Reality + Determination,後來開始老生常談,好多時候呢類型書最大問題係結果論,無是但一樣特徵都未必會失敗,擁有這些特徵亦未必會成功,所以睇呢類書好多時候都係浪費時間,最後都係要睇context,但係書中列出的例子好多時候又含糊其辭,可能商業機密作者唔想透露太多吧,我覺得睇完都好似冇咩得著,決定放棄。